Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will take place at 7:00PM on December, 24th!

Nursery Worker’s Policy

Welcome to our Nursery & Preschool Ministry at Sandy Ridge Baptist Church. We seek to provide a safe, Christian atmosphere for the youngest members of our church family. We hope that our loving care of children will allow parents to participate in a wide range of opportunities available here at Sandy Ridge.


We believe that our children are one of God’s greatest gifts! Nursery and Preschool Ministries provide special care to infants, toddlers and preschoolers. We strive to help children build trusting relationships and feel a sense of belonging by reaching out in love and understanding.


Please assist us in reaching this goal by taking the time to review and understand our policies.


Serving Him with you,

The Nursery/Preschool Committee


Nursery Policies

  • Volunteers must be church members or regular attenders and pass criminal background check and reference check before working with children. Non-member volunteers work only in non-teaching areas, with a church member. Teen volunteers must be recommended by a church member and have references checked before working with children. A volunteer to child ratio of a minimum of 2:8 will be maintained in all rooms, with the exception of the infant room being 2:4.
  • Children are to be brought to the check-in area by their parent where a numbered sticker or bracelet will be issued. The child will ONLY be released to the parent presenting the corresponding number at pick-up.   A child should never be released to another child or
  • All of the child’s belongings should be labeled. No medications should be left in diaper bags.
  • All allergies should be noted at check-in and posted in room.
  • Personal toys are to be left at home.
  • Only nursery children should be in the nursery. Older siblings are allowed only if serving as volunteers having met the above criteria.
  • In case of accident or injury an accident/incident report should be filled out and given to church office. The parent should be notified at check-out.
  • Snacks will be provided unless otherwise specified.
  • Diapers will be changed once a service and again as needed. Child’s own diapers will be used first. If applicable, child will be taken to potty as needed. Only potty training children should use nursery toilet.
  • Married couples are permitted to serve together when another unrelated adult is present in the room.
  • The nursery opens 15 minutes prior to regular scheduled services. All scheduled nursery workers should be in the appropriate rooms at that time. Nursery will remain locked at all other times.


 Sanitation/Clean Up

  • Workers should wash hands and/or wear gloves upon entering nursery, before and after diapering or assisting w/potty, before preparing bottles/snacks, after wiping nose, and before and after administering First Aid.
  • As you leave, wipe tables and chairs with disinfectant cleaner. Wipe all faucets, doorknobs and light switches with disinfectant cleaner.
  • Change used sheets and place dirty ones in hamper in bathroom.
  • Clean each used crib, exersaucer and toy with disinfectant cleaner.
  • Throw all trash and dirty diapers in dumpster.


Sickness Policy

 In order to insure the safety and health of other children and workers, we ask that the parents refrain from bringing their child if he or she has had any of the following symptoms within the past 24 hours:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting or Diarrhea
  • Significant nasal drainage which yellow or green in color
  • Sore throat
  • Any unexplained rash or skin infection
  • Pink eye or any other eye infection

Nursery workers are not allowed to dispense any type of medication.

If a child becomes ill while in the nursery, the parent will be contacted immediately by cell phone or security team member.

***Please do not leave any medications in diaper bags!!!











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